What is a fever?
A fever is defined by most healthcare providers as a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) and higher when taken rectally.
The body has several ways to maintain normal body temperature. The organs involved in helping with temperature regulation include the brain, skin, muscle, and blood vessels. The body responds to changes in temperature by:
- Increasing or decreasing sweat production.
- Moving blood away from, or closer to, the surface of the skin.
- Getting rid of, or holding on to, water in the body.
- Seeking a cooler or warmer environment.
When should a fever be treated?
In children, a fever that is making them uncomfortable should be treated. Treating your child's fever will not help the body get rid of the infection any faster. It simply will relieve discomfort linked to the fever. Children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years can develop seizures from fever (called febrile seizures). If your child does have a febrile seizure, there is a chance that the seizure may occur again. But usually children outgrow the febrile seizures. A febrile seizure does not mean your child has epilepsy. There is no evidence that treating the fever will reduce the risk of having a febrile seizure.
What can I do to decrease my child's fever?
Give your child an antifever medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. DON'T give your child aspirin. It has been linked to a serious, potentially fatal disease, called Reye syndrome.
Other ways to reduce a fever:
When your child has a fever, the body works the same way to control the temperature. But it has temporarily reset its thermostat at a higher temperature. The temperature increases for a number of reasons:
What conditions can cause a fever?
These conditions can cause a fever:
What are the benefits of a fever?
Fever is not an illness. It is a symptom, or sign, that your body is fighting an illness or infection. Fever stimulates the body's defenses, sending white blood cells and other "fighter" cells to fight and destroy the cause of the infection.
What are the symptoms that my child may have a fever?
Children with fevers may become more uncomfortable as the temperature rises. Along with a body temperature greater than 100.4°F (38°C), symptoms may include:
When should I call my chlid healthcare provider?
Unless advised otherwise by your child's healthcare provider, call the provider right away if: